The Corporate Hall of Shame

by Mike

We all see news about corporations involved in unethical or immoral actions. A news article, a tweet, a blog, a private article.  And just like that, we forget and move on to other things. But in today’s world, public pressure is the only way to enforce truth, honesty, integrity in corporations.  And quite often governments too!  So lest we forget, I welcome you to the Corporate Hall of Shame!

English Royalty at its finest!

Knighted by the queen in 2006, yet a year earlier, payed his wife £1.2 BILLION pounds in dividends (tax free of course, as she is resident of Monaco).  Destroyed BHS in 2015 leaving it with a pension deficit of £571 Million pounds.

And now he is doing it again.  He declares insolvency of the Arcadia Group just 1 DAY, before having to pay 10’s of Millions of pounds in taxes, leaves a pension deficit of £350 Million pounds. 

ComparetheMarket? Or ComparetheMuppet? Which are you?

Just how many £M’s do these “comparison sites” make off of you? Companies that are expert in manipulation and preying on you!  We get bombarded with radio and online advertising and guess who pays?  Yep.  You, the “Sheeple”! 

When it comes to money, savvy or sloppy? Diligent or careless? Pennywise or pennyfoolish? What is 15 mins of your time worth?  £50?  £100?  Are you part of the “ComparetheMarket” culture?  Or “ComparetheMuppet”?

For $3 Billion dollars, you can play Monopoly in the 21st Century!

The price of a “Stay out of jail free card” has risen to $3 Billion dollars in 2020.  So if you want to embezzle cash to buy private jets, a Picasso or Monet, or just some jewellery, ensure you have some cash, stashed away.

Yet aren’t you glad this company though is being “righteous”? Clawing back $174 million dollars from their corrupt leadership?  Makes your heart melt, how considerate they are after using YOUR money, to stay out of jail!

Modern day slavery and what it looks like.

Can you live on £3.50 an hour? And why are the UK government so lazy in tackling systematic abuse of a failed system?

Yet they plan to pay out £100m to its two co-founders, Mr Kamani and Carol Kane, as well as £50m to other executives.

My core mission. Make myself rich no matter what!

She left a trail of carnage behind that  included a fake university degree, abandoning the U.S. to evade taxes, jacked up the price of a good generic product (EpiPen) by over 500% (price fixing). She has made her riches off the back of the public and government failings to regulate the industry.  Amoral behaviour is her norm.

She retires with a $30+ Million dollar.  Look for the embedded links in this article.  There is more here than meets the eye!  Scandals ‘R Us? Does the “My” in Mylan really mean mine, mine, mine!

The “Dieselgate” Fine Club

Mercedes Benz joins the “Fine club” with over £2 billion in fines & damages for trick software to fool Diesel emission standards.  Volkswagen in the lead though with £35 Billion in fines! And guess what? You are paying their fines for them!

What is the price of destruction?

Pockets $11.3M in 2019, now blows up a 46,000 year old sacred aboriginal site for bigger profits. Well done to investors for raising hell on this lunatic. But I cringe to see what his “Golden Parachute” will look like!

Red Bull wings can murder!

8 years of running from the law for murder. Then they drop all charges? WTF?

Amazon scared of backlash?

Amazon claim it was made in error. Do you really believe that? They are plain scared workers will unite against them!

Out of his depth, sadly for BT

A Golden Parachute indeed for being inept! Walks away with £1.7M for his last 10 months alone! And £16.5M in the last 5 years for running the company into the muck!

Mine! Mine! Mine!

$200 Billion dollars richer, employees make $15 a hour. Fails New York’s recommended living wage, $15.56 an hour! Where is your soul Jeffie?

We are paying for incompetence

Loses 151 million gallons a day, ¼ of daily supplies, yet received a £2M pay-off on top of the £777,500 12-month notice payment.

CEO’s and their harems!

Looks like he wanted the money and also enjoy the apple pies!  I guess $42M buys a lot of pie! Do CEO’s have harems?

Kleptocrats at work

How to run a hospital. Steal $345M in tax dollars, dump 11,000 employees and keep my own $24M in stocks and bonuses.  Simple.

Cut costs, get rich! Simple!

Woohoo!  I’ll just cut pay across the board by 10-30% so I can make sure I get my $700M payout!

Get rich scheme?

4 years of losses facing bankruptcy.  Quick!  Get rid of 16,000 employees so I can get my $9M leaving payout! Gack!

My Simple plan to get rich

Please Mr Taxpayer, pay my salary for doing a superbly stupid job whilst I fire 7,000 employees.

Fancy a Big Mac from San Quentin?

Twist the law and bingo!  Modernised slavery!  I wonder how much govt. officials make from this? What is the going rate for a Senator?


Zoli September 8, 2020 - 7:01 pm

The sad and often overlooked truth in the mainstream narrative. Some of these are perfect examples that regulation have to be changed not allowing these type of (currently borderline criminal) events to happen

Mike September 9, 2020 - 11:38 am

Quite agree Zoli. Which is why it is critically important we vote in honest people with integrity, to carry forth required reforms.


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