Snakes ‘n Ladders Game of Life is the secret way, how to Improve Yourself


Personal growth is not a hierarchy where you must move from a lower rung to the next. It’s a game like Snakes ‘n Ladders where you can achieve more than you will ever believe, if you understand yourself and are willing to jump levels and play the Snakes ‘n ladders Game of Life. You can achieve far more than you think, if you’re willing to play the real #game with gusto! #motivation is the key to winning! 


Maslow ( did wonderful work in articulating the hierarchy of needs in our society.  But my belief is that he is fundamentally incorrect in this statement, “the theory is that individuals’ most basic needs must be met before they become motivated to achieve higher level needs.”.  He then goes on to state that “Instead of stating that the individual focuses on a certain need at any given time, Maslow stated that a certain need “dominates“.  So in short, we develop some form of “tunnel vision” and we cannot consider other higher level needs, until the ones we are focused on are met.  


Grow and improve by scaling the ladder the right way

But is this correct?  Isn’t our existence based on our needs at the time?  Life does not have to work this way if your willing to take “leaps of faith” and be prepared to shift your focus.


You start for example at very basic needs (Biological & Physiological) but skip (for now) security and structure (Safety).  So a person can “jump” into a relationship (Belonging & Love).  Happens all the time.  And as this proves the the basic theory that you can “jump” levels, why can’t someone go much farther?  If you fix your basic needs, doesn’t this provide Esteem? If you achieve Esteem, aren’t you sometimes self-actualising, to some extent?


And cannot the reverse hold true also?  Can’t a person be for example “self-actualising” as they have reached the pinnacle of their career, but then “jump” down to basic needs to look for sex?  A family? Security? 


Understanding Snakes and ladders as it applies to your life, is a key way on how you can improve, and begin realising your dreams and needs.  You can find more here:- 

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